Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

Jesus was against LOA

take care em

Law of Attraction, short LOA was never questionsed - what is really going on behind the scence? What is LOA in fact and whats are the consequences by using LOA?

The Answer is Fear – because of fearing something negative can happen one desire or use the LOA ot attract some positve experiences – what ever that is, means whichever definitions one gave to something – shall come into their life.

Through the fear of something negative can happen, one already creates this kind of fear within himself – so by using the Law of Attraction you manifest most the opposite in your life – perhaps it takes time – but for sure earlier or sooner you will experience it – thats our manifested consequence of our conduct/behavior.

Jesus said love they neighbor as theyself – by using LOA one do not love its neighbor in fact equally as yourself – what you do is just to fill their own pockets with money - want to live a Life in wealth and all those things are based on a self-interested way thus no sight for what is best for – no sight for taking care on all being equally.

What Jesus meant by that is Stand as the Principle of Oneness & Equalilty and practice what is best for all here within your physical existence – nothing more nothing less. Because ask yourself – Who suffer needlessly? Our physical Reality through the non-understanding and ignorence to/of Life from all human being. 

One point what was never taken in consideration is and thats simple common sense 1+1 – there exist no negative nor positve in the physical existence – the polarity of positve and negative happen only in the mind which is apparently not real. The participation in the mind as thoughts, feelings, emotions, imaginations, ideas, beLIEves is a Deception/Illsuion of who you really are and through that we created, accepted and allowed all this suffer.

As long as you pariticipate in them you are fallen in a trap where you have given up life as a self-directive-principle because the the thoughts direct/manipulated/enslaved you through saying you what you have to do, how you have to be …. so called you are possessed by a demon.

Using the LOA is because of the feeling of “I am not satisfied, complete or fulfilled” therefore one desire/want something in the outside and not realizing that life is here within the physical existence/body complete and fulfilled – A Desire create just a separation of oneself – a separation of your standing within your physical body as one and equal.

For Instance desiring money –  using the LOA for money. Many people here on earth starve or live in poverty. By using LOA you just attract money to yourself and not seeing the whole picture that in other regions the money will disapear – because through your wish to the universe they do not produce for that more money. Therefore all people on this earth is Responsible for all the Poverty and Starvation because all holding on this abusive Money-System what currently exist.

To take care on Life there is just one way – give up your deceptive beLIEVe and stand up – take Self-Responsibility for Life and practice here physically in realtime the real Jesus Message as the Principle of Oneness & Equality as what is best for all as Love thy neighbar as thyself. 

There is a Solution which works for the best of all – Desteni works already on it and it is called EqualMoney. The current money do not support life equally – the Equal Money do it in any way what so ever. No longer Poverty – No longer Starvation – No longer Abuse.

Join us and be a real Care-Actor

Montag, 25. Juli 2011

facing myself–reacting in fear and anger in a shop

face the face

Few days ago I was buying food in a shop near to my home, I went my round in the shop and took everything what I needed/wanted in my shopping cart – as I stand on the exit to pay my products I wasn´t sure if I had everything and I was thinking about – at this moment a feeling of fear overcomes me and I had also a feeling of loosing myself.– I saw people are looking to me – I breathed – and the feeling was gone.

I remember me about my drug-time in the past – sometimes I walked in a shop on ecstacy or hemp and I enjoyed shopping – the expression of all the colors – but when I stood on the checkout counter I got most of the time a nervous feeling up to fear. Because now you have to stand you can´t move far – you can´t run away – next to you is a person who look to you – should you look back – my eyes a big – what do he/she think about me.

Today I experienced anger in another shop because 3 month ago I brought a device back what I bought few days before – it was defect. It is unaccaptable from a company to let wait the costumer so long for a new device – they have just to exchange it – but for the emotional reaction in anger I am self-responsible. Of course – this company seems like they work on a communistic state where people have to wait years to get some new stuff like at the east of germany 20 years ago. I did the same – I breathed through and stand and told the sales person in a stable way that she should call this company about this – the seller told me that this is normal from this company.

If you take a look you see that this company collaborated in the same way as we do it within our money-system – many people starve because we do not care about each other when you got already or you know there is no money to catch. When you have money the people kneel down in front of you.

So back to the points where I react in anger and in fear has nothing to do with Reality itself – it´s only happens in the mind-consciousness-System as thought probably conected to an emotion like fear and anger but we give our thoughts an so immense value that we forget complete the different of illusion/deception and Reality.   

What do change within your Reality when you react in anger or fear?

Nothing, except that the more you participate in the mind as any kind of judgement the more manifested consequences as phsical indications you have to reckon and also the far you walk away from life – from Reality. Indeed the anger is not against something or someone in the outside Reality – no, it is against you because you bear it in your inner world – in your little personal bubble – which stands in separation to Life

Anger is the outplay of wanting to take control over the situation – like a power-play – I have the right and you are my slave, anger seems as stron and powerful but indeed – I am the slave of myself through participating in anger and believing that anger really exist and give thus my power as life as who I am away into the mind-system.  If One will be on a stand of superiority another must stand on inferiority – this is an absulate abuse and thus unaccaptable.

Fear you can explain as the point of inferiortiy – feeling powerless, I make me small. Within Fear there exist the point of insecure and a lack of self-Trust. Fear of anything is useless in any why what so ever – whereas anger you can use to stop yourself and push yourself through your own participation of anger.

I realized that I am in fact the power of life equal as one as breath here within the physical body but in participating in both of them I am in fact not here aware within my physical body as breath. You can only be full trustworthy when you are here within/as your physical body - equal as one - because then you stand as a self-directive principle – if you get directed/controlled and manipulated through the mind/thoughts feelings and emotions it will never be sure how you re-act in various situations. 

Join the Desteni I Process
… a Lifestyle Concept where you get assisted and supported in the understanding of how the life works and further you can achive monthly income up to financial freedom.

Join Equal Money
… a Solution is ready to establish to bring forth a Life in dignity for all – EqualMoney will support all Life equally without exceptions

Samstag, 23. Juli 2011

Demon-Possession created Bloodbath in Norway

Yesterday afternoon a Bomb exploded in Norway/Oslo´s government district. The Bomb was placed into a car – Eyewitnesses enriches that the streets looks horrible – everywhere are glas splinter, dead people and blood as far as the eye can see.
On the same day on another place in Norway near Oslo, on the Island Utøya has a man shot at the Visitors of a social-democratic youth-camp. In both cases there are overall about 80 deaths.
The 32-years old arrested suspects is a owner from a farm with more than 100 employed – he self wrote a statement within the Internet that he is a nationalist and opponent for a Multi-Culti society.
In our current time are this no rare scenarios – human beings become more and more fucked up and running amok because of their not fulfilled selfish desires.
The Mind-Demon has caught those complete – they have suppressed life itself on an extreme extent. They are lost in space.
This only happens because human beings do not understand what it means to be a living human being – to be life. They missed the point of life as One and Equal because they spend the most time in their Mind – participating in thoughts, feelings and emotions – judgements, desires, believes - and do not realizing that by attending in the mind-system you are not here aware within and as the physical existence.
The entire outflow of the Mind as thoughts feeling and emotions, believe, desire and judgements …. are not existent in Real here.
So be sure that you realize and understand what life is and how life works because otherwise possibly you are the next Mind-Demon-possessed being –
Possibly you are it already?
Desteni – a group of people all over the world have done and still make extensive Research about Life in all their multifaceted Expressions because we realize that if we do not understand ourselves we are lost in this mess and abuse what we have already here on earth.
This mess exist because of all the ignorance and misunderstandings of each and every single human being. Take Care of Life – everything else is unacceptable.
Take Care means – KNOW THY SELF.
Join us and be part of group of people who take care on all LIFE equally – in any way what so ever. Lets work together for a Life in Dignity for everyone. – a Forum for Common-Discussions – establishing Heaven on Earth in Real – Research about how the Mind possessed you – a Lifestyle Concept and an Income-Opportunity

Freitag, 22. Juli 2011

Time & Space as Separation of Life

skeletor DIP

What is Time?

Time as we know it is based on Past, Present and Future. Indeed we live past and future but missing through walking our daily life the point of being present – being here as the moment of life. As long as we participate within the mind-consciousness-system as thoughts, feelings and emotions we are not fully aware of what it means to be here within and as the physical body – breath by breath.

All what happens in the mind is the outflow of the stored experiences from the past. For Instance you had experienced fear of death then you have to understand that this is possibly a pre-programmed construct from your parents, grandparents, great-grand-parents, or who knows how many generations back.

You got this design/pattern handed through the DNS-Construct from both of your parents through the act of sex – when the seed from your father and the egg from your mother has merged within your mothers womb you are already exist as a pre-programmed design as thoughts/feelings/emotions of how and what you will be. After the birth it is your self-responsibility in which patterns within your mind you participate and believe in them. Further this will create your future.

So your future do already exist within your mind-consciousness-system – created through past experiences.
Where is the present/moment?

You believe that you experience the presents/moment/the here but what you experience is the past. If you were aware of every single moment with the Realization – what is simple Common Sense – that everything what goes on in the Mind has nothing to do with Reality itself. The Mind-Consciousness-System which exist as Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions, Memories, Pictures, Energies, Frequencies, Vibrations, … is thus the ultimate trap where each and every single human being is fallen in. It is an Deception/Illusion/Separation of Life – it separates Time through past, present and future because you do not experience it as One and Equal. As long as you participate in the Mind you will be directed, controlled, enslaved and manipulated through it and have lost Life as Moment as One & Equal as a Self-Directive-Principle here within and as the physical existence breath by breath.

Space is related to Time. You know for sure the sentence “I need my free space” or in a Relationship “I need distance from you” or “You have to separate the Job from your leisure” or what I have heard many times from my parents when my mother make my father aware that he shall not work with his nice clothes. All those statements are here for creating a separate space/room for any kind of situations instead of Realizing that there is only One Space like One Earth, One Universe, One Life as Equal. Within this Statements/BeLIEves/Thoughts you separate yourself from life – it separates you from who you are.

The Desteni I Process is a Lifestyle Concept where you become trained, supported and assisted to get back life as who you really are – Equal as One as Life. No longer running around in a circle created from past experiences which separate you from life. Correct your pre-programmed selfish outflow to a Self-Directive-Principle which practice and live with Common Sense what is best for all Life.

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

Self-Intimacy and Sex

If you have any desire to sex you just believe that you are not complete and fulfilled here therefore you desire/want something from the outside – this believe separate you from life as who you are – each believe is a separation of Life but especially desires, wishes and wants are based on a point where you believe you can find yourself in the outside and with fulfilling this wishes you follow just a self-interested way where you will never see and realize life itself as who you really are.

Searching Life in the outside will defenitly bring no end because as long as you believe that you have found something more of yourself in the outside you created more patterns/layers within the mind-consciousness-system thus a separation of yourself here within and as the physical.

Indeed you are what you see/feel. All that is what you have created, accepted and allowed within you thus in the outside – in this Reality. The outside/Reality is the projection of your inner world – equal as one.
For Intimacy you do not need a partner/relationship because if you touch a person you are that what you feel – so Intimacy do not really exist but Self-Intimacy. Everything what you touch is you because ask yourself – Who feel it? Obviously you. The caress are within you.

Therefore if you aware of your physical existence without any thoughts/judgments – in full acceptance of your physical expression - you are self-intimate with you as life.
So if you have sex be sure that there exist no thoughts/desire about it – feel yourself – your physical expression here in every moment by every breath.

If there any thoughts/desire/emotions/feeling which came up during the act apply Self-Forgiveness for what you have accepted and allowed in separation of yourself because realize that everything whats going on in the mind is the separation/manipulation/enslavement of yourself – through participating in the mind you give your life as the self-directive principle away and you will be directed/enslaved/manipulated through you accepted and allowed thoughts/feelings/emotions.

Your physical existence/expression is complete and fulfilled here only you by participating in the mind-system as thoughts/desire/judgements you create the believe that you are not complete, satisfied and fulfilled as who you are here within and as your physical body.

The Desteni I Process is an Lifstyle Concept which support and assist you exact in that way – through Self-Correction to Self-Perfection as Life as One and Equal.
Join Us and get back your life as who you really are

Montag, 11. Juli 2011

Stopping Sugar-Addiction through the Desteni I Process


I decided now to stop eating any kind of sugar espacilly Candy´s and Cakes for the next 21 days because I realized that first it isn´t necessary to eat sugar and secound I am addicted to sugar, so I have a problem within me – not the sugar is the problem but me and my handling with and believing to sugar. Any form of Addiction is a limitation of myself as Life because of believing that I need this and that I create patterns within me which has nothing to do with Reality itself – an Addiction is Mind-Based and everything whats going on in the mind is obviously not real here.

So to speak its an Deception/Illusion of myself which as long as I believe and participate in that I am enslaved/controlled/manipulated through this patterns thus I am not here as a living self-directive human being – which is unacceptable and further not trustworthy. Within this believe that I need sugar I separate myself from Sugar and from the sweetness of life – because behind I miss something – feeling not complete and satisfied without sugar like I am not sweet enough without sugar and not realizing that I am indeed here equal as one as all Life – only this thought/believe/addiction what I have allowed within me let me not see that I am complete here as Life.

According to scientific sudies has an ecxessive consumption of sugar an extensive effect on the humans physical & psychic well-being.

Effects of too much sugar is for example unexplained tiredness, lethargy, gastro-intenstinal problems, depression, nervousness, concentration disorders up to mental disorder, skin-deseases, menstrual problems, ….

On a normal extent is sugar responsible for building the cell-sturcture and for the creation of Insulin. Insulin creates the Amino Acid Tryptophan which is responsible for the creation of the Neurotransmitter Serotonin. Its an happy hormon which give you a relexed feeling. From the Ayurvedic Perspective is the human physical body – the flesh made by sugar.

A Normal Extent of sugar is given by eating grains or fruits – thats enough for the human physical body and thus its not necessary eating refined sugar.

I experienced some points of the effect of too much sugar within me like lethargy, gastro-intestinal problems and skin-desease in form of excema at the head-region.

One point more is to understand – that nothing at this points neiter the sugar-effects nor the sugar or my experiences with it is good or bad – its only a consequence of my/the human beings handling/behavior. I already judged the sugar and connected him with/to Desire/Need and this made me to a slave of my self-created, accepted and allowed beLIEves. Now I realize this and now I am willed to stop myself – to stop my addiction to sugar.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to be addicted to sugar/candys/cakes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to beLIEve that I need sugar in form cakes and candys.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to participate in the thought that I need sugar.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to be manipulated/enslaved through the mind/believe that i need sugar instead of realizing that this believe is a deception and separation of myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire sugar/candys/cakes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to connect sugar to an emotional experience of desire/need.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to separate myself form sugar through defining sugar with an emotional experience of desire/need.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed to say I love sugar.

I forgive myself that i have accepted & allowed myself to give my power of life away by participating in the mind – in the believe that I am addicted to sugar.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to define sugar with an positve value thus I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to separate me from myself through defining sugar with an positve value.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to believe that I am not complete, satisfied, fulfilled.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to search for myself in the outside instead of realizing that I am here wihtin and as the physical body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that lethargy really exist instead of realizing that this is just a chemical/energetic reaction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to judge lethargy as negative.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to charge lethargy with a negative value.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to define/connect lethargy with/to a negative value.

I forgive myself that i have allowed myself to separate myself from the word lethargy through defining the word lethargy with an negative value.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself that sugar has an outflow of skin-desease in form of excema.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself that sugar has an outflow of lethargy and tiredness.

I forgive myself that i have accepted & allowed myself that sugar created within me gastro-intestinal problems.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to abuse my physical body through eating to much sugar which my physical body has problems to handle it.

I realize that sugar/candys/cakes isn´t necessary to eat and further it brings physical indication.

I realize that desire is a separation of myself as who I am as life.

I do no longer allow myself to participate again in the believe that I need/desire sugar/candys/cakes.

I do no longer allow myself to be enslaved/manipulated through the believe of I need/desire sugar/candys/cakes.

I do no longer allow myself to believe that I am not complete/satisfied/fulfilled.

I allow myself to give up the addication/desire of sugar/candys/cakes completely.

I allow myself to be the self-directive principle of life and see myself as complete and fulfilled here as Life.

I allow myself to stand equal as one as Life here within and as the physical body complete, fulfilled and satisfied without sugar/candys/cakes.