Montag, 11. Juli 2011

Stopping Sugar-Addiction through the Desteni I Process


I decided now to stop eating any kind of sugar espacilly Candy´s and Cakes for the next 21 days because I realized that first it isn´t necessary to eat sugar and secound I am addicted to sugar, so I have a problem within me – not the sugar is the problem but me and my handling with and believing to sugar. Any form of Addiction is a limitation of myself as Life because of believing that I need this and that I create patterns within me which has nothing to do with Reality itself – an Addiction is Mind-Based and everything whats going on in the mind is obviously not real here.

So to speak its an Deception/Illusion of myself which as long as I believe and participate in that I am enslaved/controlled/manipulated through this patterns thus I am not here as a living self-directive human being – which is unacceptable and further not trustworthy. Within this believe that I need sugar I separate myself from Sugar and from the sweetness of life – because behind I miss something – feeling not complete and satisfied without sugar like I am not sweet enough without sugar and not realizing that I am indeed here equal as one as all Life – only this thought/believe/addiction what I have allowed within me let me not see that I am complete here as Life.

According to scientific sudies has an ecxessive consumption of sugar an extensive effect on the humans physical & psychic well-being.

Effects of too much sugar is for example unexplained tiredness, lethargy, gastro-intenstinal problems, depression, nervousness, concentration disorders up to mental disorder, skin-deseases, menstrual problems, ….

On a normal extent is sugar responsible for building the cell-sturcture and for the creation of Insulin. Insulin creates the Amino Acid Tryptophan which is responsible for the creation of the Neurotransmitter Serotonin. Its an happy hormon which give you a relexed feeling. From the Ayurvedic Perspective is the human physical body – the flesh made by sugar.

A Normal Extent of sugar is given by eating grains or fruits – thats enough for the human physical body and thus its not necessary eating refined sugar.

I experienced some points of the effect of too much sugar within me like lethargy, gastro-intestinal problems and skin-desease in form of excema at the head-region.

One point more is to understand – that nothing at this points neiter the sugar-effects nor the sugar or my experiences with it is good or bad – its only a consequence of my/the human beings handling/behavior. I already judged the sugar and connected him with/to Desire/Need and this made me to a slave of my self-created, accepted and allowed beLIEves. Now I realize this and now I am willed to stop myself – to stop my addiction to sugar.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to be addicted to sugar/candys/cakes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to beLIEve that I need sugar in form cakes and candys.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to participate in the thought that I need sugar.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to be manipulated/enslaved through the mind/believe that i need sugar instead of realizing that this believe is a deception and separation of myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire sugar/candys/cakes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to connect sugar to an emotional experience of desire/need.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to separate myself form sugar through defining sugar with an emotional experience of desire/need.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed to say I love sugar.

I forgive myself that i have accepted & allowed myself to give my power of life away by participating in the mind – in the believe that I am addicted to sugar.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to define sugar with an positve value thus I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to separate me from myself through defining sugar with an positve value.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to believe that I am not complete, satisfied, fulfilled.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to search for myself in the outside instead of realizing that I am here wihtin and as the physical body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that lethargy really exist instead of realizing that this is just a chemical/energetic reaction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to judge lethargy as negative.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to charge lethargy with a negative value.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to define/connect lethargy with/to a negative value.

I forgive myself that i have allowed myself to separate myself from the word lethargy through defining the word lethargy with an negative value.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself that sugar has an outflow of skin-desease in form of excema.

I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself that sugar has an outflow of lethargy and tiredness.

I forgive myself that i have accepted & allowed myself that sugar created within me gastro-intestinal problems.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to abuse my physical body through eating to much sugar which my physical body has problems to handle it.

I realize that sugar/candys/cakes isn´t necessary to eat and further it brings physical indication.

I realize that desire is a separation of myself as who I am as life.

I do no longer allow myself to participate again in the believe that I need/desire sugar/candys/cakes.

I do no longer allow myself to be enslaved/manipulated through the believe of I need/desire sugar/candys/cakes.

I do no longer allow myself to believe that I am not complete/satisfied/fulfilled.

I allow myself to give up the addication/desire of sugar/candys/cakes completely.

I allow myself to be the self-directive principle of life and see myself as complete and fulfilled here as Life.

I allow myself to stand equal as one as Life here within and as the physical body complete, fulfilled and satisfied without sugar/candys/cakes.

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