If you have any desire to sex you just believe that you are not complete and fulfilled here therefore you desire/want something from the outside – this believe separate you from life as who you are – each believe is a separation of Life but especially desires, wishes and wants are based on a point where you believe you can find yourself in the outside and with fulfilling this wishes you follow just a self-interested way where you will never see and realize life itself as who you really are.
Searching Life in the outside will defenitly bring no end because as long as you believe that you have found something more of yourself in the outside you created more patterns/layers within the mind-consciousness-system thus a separation of yourself here within and as the physical.
Indeed you are what you see/feel. All that is what you have created, accepted and allowed within you thus in the outside – in this Reality. The outside/Reality is the projection of your inner world – equal as one.
For Intimacy you do not need a partner/relationship because if you touch a person you are that what you feel – so Intimacy do not really exist but Self-Intimacy. Everything what you touch is you because ask yourself – Who feel it? Obviously you. The caress are within you.
Therefore if you aware of your physical existence without any thoughts/judgments – in full acceptance of your physical expression - you are self-intimate with you as life.
So if you have sex be sure that there exist no thoughts/desire about it – feel yourself – your physical expression here in every moment by every breath.
If there any thoughts/desire/emotions/feeling which came up during the act apply Self-Forgiveness for what you have accepted and allowed in separation of yourself because realize that everything whats going on in the mind is the separation/manipulation/enslavement of yourself – through participating in the mind you give your life as the self-directive principle away and you will be directed/enslaved/manipulated through you accepted and allowed thoughts/feelings/emotions.
Your physical existence/expression is complete and fulfilled here only you by participating in the mind-system as thoughts/desire/judgements you create the believe that you are not complete, satisfied and fulfilled as who you are here within and as your physical body.
The Desteni I Process is an Lifstyle Concept which support and assist you exact in that way – through Self-Correction to Self-Perfection as Life as One and Equal.
Join Us and get back your life as who you really are
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