We have already the technology and the knowledge about Genetic-Diagnostic which means we can make tests of our genetic structure/code to see if we have pre-programmed conditions to some hereditary diseases. So for instance you have prepared yourself enough to get sure the child can grow up in dignity means you will not enslave your child with your believes and Ideas of good and bad or right and wrongs which is obviously the ultimate trap/illusion/deception of our current existence – just let the child his/her innocent expression and support them in a way as the principle of our inherent nature of Life as Equal as One as what is best for all.
Then before you start to make a willed baby you go with your partner to the doctor and make a genetic diagnosis – it is called “Prefertilisation” – it is a technique where the ovum get examined to see – and in this stage it is only the maternal examination – if there a mutations in the DNA or Chromosomes. Another Examination is called “Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis” – Within this technique they take the ovum and the sperm and let them merge. After the next few days they split some cells and examine the genetic code/constitution.
Depending on the question there will be different diagnostic procedures. The procentual accuracy of the genetic diagnosis is circa 90-95% – of course currently humanity do not understand the life in his various form nor how the human physical body works – so therefore we haven´t currently the understanding and the view how we have pre-programmed our life include all physical indications/diseases. Until each one understand himself in his entire existence we have no full guarantee but within the current state of the Genetic-Diagnosis we can sort out some mutations/hereditary diseases which are expressed as various forms of limitations.
Each new born physical life and all existing physical life has an equal right to live a Life with as little as possible of limitations. So therefore I am 1 Vote for a Genetic Diagnoses. Each one must understand that the children are the clones of their parents. It is time to take Self-Responsibility and do everything what is necessary to correct and delete all limitations what we have created, accepted and allowed here on earth.
Evolution is the cloning from stored past experiences into the presence thus the future, through accepted and allowed abuse of life and misunderstandings or rather non-understandings of life itself. Only the pictures are different but the behavior-patterns are the same – transfered from generation to generation.
Life in fact is EQUALTIY – but humanity has never lived the inherent Nature of Life as the Principle of Oneness & Equality. The only thing what we have done here on earth is lived in an illusion and deception within and as our Mind-Consciousness-System where we have enslaved ourselves through the BeLIEves and Ideas of Good and Bad, Right and Wrong instead of Realizing that judgements and different assessments are not real here in our physical Reality and thus it is a separation of what we really are as Life as Equal as One.
It is time to wake up and see what is really Real Here and how we have, each one of us, created this Reality how it currently exist!
I realized that I am responsible for this abuse and unnecessary suffering of sickness, diseases also starvation, war and poverty here on earth by participating, accepting and allowing the various forms of Limitations/Illusion/Deceptions of Life. I started to change myself in every single point what I see and realize what I have accepted and allowed within me thus within this world or inversely. I apply Self-Forgiveness for this because there is no forgiveness for our outrages, sins, abuse or howsoever you wanna call it but (t)here is Self-Forgiveness for what one has accepted and allowed to exist because this exist as patterns within ourselves and if the patterns are visible or not, they exist nevertheless and this patterns we transmit to our children through the DNA and through our teachings what we give to them and the children give it to their children and so on and so on – always the same fucking story – this we call evolution. It isn´t Evolotion – rather it is transfering of patterns and pre-programming of life.
The only way to break through this old patterns of abuse is to give up the lazyness and beLIEve that one can´t bring forth a change – Standing up and breathe in the moment where permission is given to any form of abuse and taking Self-Responsibility and applying Self-Forgiveness to get life back as who we really are as the inherent Nature of Life as EQUAL as One and being a living corrective Statement as What is best for all. What is best for all is equal what is best for oneself.
Thank you
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thanks Klaus!