everything what you touch is you - everything what you see is you - everything what you hear is you - everything what you feel is you - everything what you experience is you
this is what you are - this is what you have created - accepted -allowed
and if you now take a look within this self-realization around the world - you will see that you as the expression of life as one is definetly out of controll and inhuman - a real nightmare so to speak
who allowed this whole disaster where abuse stands on the item of the agenda?
each and every single human being - thus each and every single human being is responsible for this creation
we went so far from life that we currently are complete missing the point of the "who i am"
who are you - where are you - what is life
stop yourself - stop your mind - thoughts - feelings - emotions - stand up as life and leave behind the self-created, accepted & allowed enslavement through the mind
then you will see the simplicity of Life as One & Equal with everything what exist - no matter what so ever
Join us on the Desteni I Process to learn and understand the practical tools of "How to Stop the Mind and getting real here within & as the Physical Body and creating a dignified Life for all" through taking
Self-Responsibility for the whole Creation
living Self-Honesty
applying Self-Forgiveness for all what you have accepted & allowed
walking breath by breath - moment by moment
practice Common Sense - what is best for all
Don´t wait - the Creation has urgent needed to bring forth Dignity
http://desteniiprocess.comhttp://desteniiprocess.com - a Lifestyle Concept - from Self-Correction to Self-Perfection
http://demonology.co.za - the Mind-System as a Demon which we have allowed to enslave humanity
http://equalmoney.org - a New Money System which work for the best of all
http://desteni.co.za - The Desteni of the Universe
I walk, I breathe, I realize - I stand - I direct myself for what is best for all
Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2011
Montag, 6. Juni 2011
Facing Lazyness & Oversleep
The last days I fall into a pattern which have to do with oversleep. I didn´t want to stand up in the morning time - I woke up, went to the toilet and back to bed. 2 hours later I woke up again mostly I had some dreams in this time but when I wanted to stand up I felt still sleepy. As I went out I would describe the feelings as heavy & dizzy - my view was blurred. Whats the reason why I didn´t want to stand up and why did I feel still sleepy? Why this lazy feeling?
Its about not wanting to face the Reality - a Reality what each one has self-created, accepted & allowed with our Mind-System. Self-created because each and every single human see it through his own eyes which means you see what you have inside yourself - inside your mind - nothing more nothing less the same with feeling or hearing .... - so to speak everything what I hear, feel, smell, taste and see that is me as one.
Many time I used the excuse that it is so nice, comfortable & cosy in the bed but thats just an excuse - the question is why can´t I feel myself comfortable when I am awake? It is about my judgments during the day and so you can observe that every single judgment has a weight what you have to bear and this makes the Reality how you have created it uncomfortable.
As long as we participate within the mind as thoughts/feelings/emotions/pictures we create an illusional and deceptive world wihtin ourselves which separate one from another which means that everything represents the Oneness but within the Mind-System each human see it different and thats the Ploratiy - the separation of ourselves.
The point of feeling lazy, dizzy and heavy after sleeping longer than necessery is - and this had to do with our multidimensional existence within the Mind-Consciousness-System. A dream, what I mostly can remember is obviously a point of Illusion/Deception - it isn´t real but within the Mind as beLIEve it seems real. By a closer oberservation that thoughts/feeling/emotions which is created within the mind are based on energy.
The longer I sleep the more time I have to participate within the so called unconsious mind like dreams .... thus I feed my mind and physical body with energy - energy is obviously not real but it has a consequence within oneself. The fluctuation/indication of the energy within and as the mind and the physical body create this lazyness, heavyness, dizzyness and the blurred view.
Within the energy which exist only in the mind-system and not as life works with different frequencies and this frequencies create how you feel. The blurred view arise because the more energy move in you the more blurred is your view. Life is here stable euqal as one and independent from energy. If you beLIEve you are energy you are always depends/manipulated/influenced through/from energy/mind/thoughts/feelings/emotions - so to speak you are addicted through energy. If you realise that all Life is here equal as one slowly but surley you correct & change yourself into real freedom and self-direction.
So, within this realization I have to go deeper in detail in my experience of oversleep & lazyness. Which points will I not face within my Reality - what patterns/thoughts/feelings/emotions do I still hide within me?
What I see now is that I have often to do with a feeling of irritation within my solarplexus in connection with my parents - especially how they communicate with me or each other. Currently I live by my parents and thus we have daily contact. From my perspective it is the primary point. My parents was a great support in facing my patterns what I have created, accepted and allowed but they was never a real support in standing one & equal what is best for all.
Not my parents are the reason for my irritation - it is me - I am Self-Responsible for what I have accepted & allowed within me - Self-Forgiveness is the Key to change Reality.
I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to beLIEve that Irritation really exist.
I forgive myself that I have allowed & accepted myself to participate in irritation. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience an emotional reaction of irritation in connection with how my parents communicate with me & each other.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to oversleep because I wanted not face the irritation in connection with the communication with my parents.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to use the excuse that in the bed is so cosy & comfortable instead of realizing/seeing that I want just hide something within me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to exist a unconsios mind within me wihtin this existence.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to connect oversleep with waking up lazy.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to define oversleep as waking up lazy.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to connect oversleep with waking up heavy and dizzy.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to define oversleep as waking up heavy and dizzy.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to judge oversleep as negative.
I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to charge oversleep with an negative value.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to separate me from myself through judging the word oversleep with a negative value.
I forgive myself that I haven´t allowed myself to realise sleeping indeed loss of awareness.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to loss my awareness through sleeping.
I forgive myself that I haven´t allowed myself to see/realise that the emotional experience of irritation had nothing to do with my parents because the judgement is within me thus I judge me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed & accepted myself to judge me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to judge my parents kind of communication instead of standing one & equal with them and support them within the principle of oneness & equality what is best for all.
I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to charge the communication between me and my parents with an negative value.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to judge the communication between me and my parents as negative.
I forgive myself that I have acceptated and allowed myself to separate me from myself through judging the communication between me and my parents.
I forgive myself that I haven´t allowed myself to realize that every single judgment within me is against me and thus a separation of myself.
I forgive myself that I haven´t allowed myself to see and realize that positve or negative values do not really exist.
I forgive myself that I have accepted & allowed myself to give myself/my life away because of participating within the mind.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to be directed/enslaved/manipulated through the mind.
I forigve myself that I haven´t allwoed myself to be the self-directive principle of me in any why what so ever.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to participate within the mind and not realizing that I am not here within & as my physical body as breath while I am in the mind.
I allow myself this emotional experience of irritation when it comes up agian to use this engery to say stop to myself and breath through this patterns.
I allow myself to stand one and equal with my parents no matter what they do.
I allow myself to stand one & equal when I communicate with my parents.
I allow myself to be the self-directive principle in any way whatsoever.
I realize that irritation is not real thus it is a waste time to participate within it.
I realize that the participation within the mind especially irritation is the reason of some physical indications which are the manifested consequence of my behaivior.
I realize that this emotional experience is a pattern which I have created in the past.
If I react again in irriation when I communicate with my parents - I STOP I BREATHE - I do no longer allow myself to participate in irritation when I communicate with my parents. I will remember me on this self-forgiveness & on my self-corrective statements that irritation not really exist and that I separate myself from me. As long as I participate within the mind I am not here within & as my physical body as breath.
The Desteni I Process is a Lifestyle Concept which train and educate you in the Principle of Oneness & Equality what is best for all to get back your life as who you are. It assist and support you to become real effectiveness in your life and furthermore is the Desteni I Process a Income Opportunity up to achieve financial freedom.
Don´t wait - JOIN US and make a real different within yourself and within this world.
Freitag, 3. Juni 2011
The Anti-Hate Campaign
We from Desteni have decided to make Blogs or Vlogs about some Messages from the so called “Desteni-Haters” to clear some points what was misunderstood.
First to clear is that we are not against the “Desteni-Haters” or those who are against Desteni – we see it, and all with Common Sense will see it, that to fight against something will bring never a real peace. We practice as the principle of Equal as One “what is best for all” thus we do not accept some selfish mind-bullshit who believes that they are better/greater/smarter than others or push others down because its definitely abuse therefore if we see it isn´t a real support & assistance for the whole earth or one isn´t willed to bring forth a change we ban them because all human beings allowed long enough abuse but we stop this vicious-circle by taking action.
When you feel attacked from a Destonian or from anyone else immediately you see how you give your life as who you are away - you see what you have allowed as energetic patterns within the mind within yourself which direct/manipulate/enslave you as Life and from this point - that is what we practise & support others by showing them through blogging & vlogging about our experiences – you have to correct yourself that you stand stable - no energetic fluctuations - no matter what “Equal as One as all Life what exist”.
How the world currently exist is created through the self-interested opinions from each and every single human being and how it seems we created quite a nightmare – obviously impossible to live in dignity here with everyone thus Self-Correction is announced.
The Desteni Anti-Hate Campaign is created for the support of the Desteni-Haters, for those who believe in the Desteni-Haters and all others. Our way is not to attack somebody and also not to justify our stand. Those with a practical Common Sense see and understand what Desteni do and is. Those with a lack of Common Sense will fight against us or anyone else and is for sure far away from Reality. Sooner or Later everybody will recognize the practicality of Desteni and its not about right or wrong and also not about the word Desteni – its about Honour Life as One as Equal – together as One in Dignity – everything less we do not accept.
So if you see already the practical on Desteni then join us and lets work together as One Principle for a better world. Together we have the power to move Mountains. Lets delete the believe of positive & negative – be an example and lets stand as Life as One as Equal in Dignity.
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